Importance of Call Analysis

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Call centres are an arm of the customer support system, which exist within an organisation. A call centre, amazingly, doesn’t just work for customer support purposes; for an enterprise that has the right tools and plan for its call centre, it can function for marketing and obtainable intelligence. Call centres are essential and cannot be devalued because many customers prefer to engage with a business via call, knowing that it is prompt, and there is no need for prolonged conversations, unlike messaging.

Knowing that a call centre is a touchpoint between a brand and its customers, it is crucial to get everything right. It is why staff should be trained in various customer support operations, not just to attend to the queries of the customers, but also to track and obtain useable information for the business organisation; hence, the importance of call analytics.

Call analytics or call centre analytics becomes paramount to track customer support performances and help to understand competitive business trends.

The significance of Analysing Calls

Call analytics for any business allows a business, via the call centre management & team, to analyse call performance, the effectiveness of service, and to improve services and performances in any part of the business, where necessary. Call centre analytics consists of toolsets that are deployed across various communication channels to keep the call centre’s performance and overall business performance at best possible level. The tools enable managers and analysts to monitor, evaluate, and obtain insights from the current performance of call centre employees from customers and employees’ point of view.

The following points are ways whereby call analytics can help a business organisation or call centre


  • It propels customers relationship

When customers reach out to businesses, they expect that their queries are answered almost immediately. Many people will opt for calls because they can’t go through the frustration of waiting on queues before customer agents message them. It takes an average of about 2 to 3 business days before an enterprise responds to customers’ email enquiries. Calls make it easier for customers to communicate at a go without having to waste time typing out messages. Real-time responses to messages are very encouraging and improve customers-brand relationships.

  • Provides actionable insights

With call analytics, a call centre can know the average response time it takes to get in touch with customers, and they can access the rate of calls coming in and ones dropped, unattended to. What this means is that: by study, it is observed that the average waiting time of a customer on a call is ten minutes. When the time is exceeded, about 60% of users would have dropped the call. With an obtainable insight as this from a call centre, a business can learn to speed up their average response rates either by getting alternative communication rates or by getting new hands.

Moreover, when two or more customers complain or keep complaining about certain aspects of your services or products, then you know that attention is required. Therefore, in this regard, call analytics can be used to implement changes that would eliminate problems faced by customers, transforming them into improvable opportunities.

  • Performance of other channels can also be monitored.

When customers call your centre and you can effectively analyse the call, you can know which of your advertising or online channel brings you more customers. With such information, you know that channel or part of your sales funnel that brings better conversion requires more effort to get customers and improved conversion rate. For instance, knowing that your YouTube channel brings more customers that would call you to know about your existing offers. Then, you can broaden the reach of your YouTube advertisement to different regions, age groups, and perhaps sociocultural groups.

  • Improves loyalty

With a short or immediate response to queries, customers are compelled to want to call again, feeling they can trust the brand. A reachable brand takes a special space in the heart of a customer. This works fine, especially if the enterprise uses a toll-free number, which is charge free for the customer. When used right, call analyses can help you witness an increase in customer retention. And not just that, a satisfied customer would spread your news through words of mouth, causing a new lead and reducing the cost of customer acquisition.

  • It enhances overall performance

A call centre aims to enhance communication between an enterprise and its (prospective) customers. Then we can say that an enterprise exists because of its customers. The fact is unarguably true, in any case. Therefore, when data is collected on calls about various aspects of the business, then it means that an enterprise can perform better in every ramification by using the complaints, suggestions, and information obtained and recorded by the analytics centre.


Getting A Call Analytics or Call Report Tool

No doubt, all that has been said hitherto sounds good. However, it would be almost impossible to do anything if there is no proper report or recorded analyses. Therefore, an enterprise is expected to invest in call reports tools and call analytics tool to capture the information and data obtained from customers effectively. Several tools exist in the market; get one for yourself today.


Toll-free numbers

This piece is not yet complete unless it mentions toll-free numbers -a number that allows your customers to forget the worries of calls while laying their mind bare through conversations. Against the popular opinion that toll-free numbers are expensive, you can choose a toll-free number provider that gives flexible package options to you to subscribe on. Toll-free numbers are relatively cheap at this time. It takes less to subscribe than to activate a number. So, use the amazing power of toll-free to unlock your business’ potential to engage customers!

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